Jul 7, 2023, 03:26 PM IST

Lord Hanuman to Ashwatthama: 8 Chiranjivis in Hinduism

Mahipal Chouhan

Chiranjivis, also known as "immortals" or "eternal beings," are a concept in Hinduism that refers to a group of legendary personalities believed to possess immortality or longevity.

These individuals are mentioned in various Hindu scriptures and epics and are considered to have lived across different yugas (ages). Here are 8 chiranjivis mentioned in Hinduism:

Ashwatthama: Ashwatthama was the son of Dronacharya, the royal guru, and a renowned warrior in the Mahabharata epic. Due to a curse, he was granted immortality but with perpetual suffering. He continues to exist, wandering the earth.

King Mahabali: King Mahabali, also known as Maveli, was a righteous and benevolent king. He was granted immortality by Lord Vishnu, and it is believed that he resides in the netherworld called Sutala. He is associated with the festival of Onam celebrated in Kerala.

Veda Vyasa: Veda Vyasa, also known as Krishna Dvaipayana, is the legendary author of the Mahabharata. He is considered one of the Chiranjivis due to his significant contributions to Hindu scriptures and the preservation of knowledge.

Lord Hanuman: Hanuman is a beloved deity and a prominent character in the Ramayana. His unwavering devotion to Lord Rama, his acts of bravery, and his role in the rescue of Sita have made him an immortal figure in Hindu mythology. 

Vibhishana: Vibhishana was the younger brother of Ravana, the antagonist of the Ramayana. He defected from Ravana's side and joined Lord Rama's forces, aiding in the battle against evil. Due to his loyalty and righteousness, he is considered one of the Chiranjivis.

Kripacharya: Kripacharya was a respected sage and warrior who served as a teacher to the Pandavas and Kauravas in the Mahabharata. His immense knowledge, skills, and ethical conduct granted him immortality.

Lord Parashurama: Parashurama is the sixth avatar (incarnation) of Lord Vishnu. He was a warrior sage known for his skills with the axe. 

Rishi Markandeya: Rishi Markandeya was a revered sage known for his devotion and penance. He received blessings from Lord Shiva, granting him immortality. 

These eight Chiranjivis hold unique roles in Hindu mythology and symbolize various virtues, heroism, devotion, and knowledge.