May 4, 2024, 08:47 PM IST

 10 stinkiest animals

Mahipal Chouhan

Vultures: They are known for their carrion-eating habits and can have a strong, unpleasant smell as a result.

Hyenas: Similar to vultures, hyenas are scavengers and can have a strong odor from their food sources.

Skunk: Probably the most famous for its defensive spray, which can be quite potent and difficult to remove.

Striped Polecat: Similar to skunks, they emit a foul-smelling spray when threatened.

Honey Badger: Though not as widely known for their smell, they can produce a musky odor when threatened.

Stinkbug: Aptly named, these insects release a strong odor when disturbed or crushed.

Marabou Stork: These large birds have been described as having a pungent, fecal odor, particularly around their breeding colonies.

Tasmanian Devil: They can emit a strong, musky odor, especially when stressed or threatened.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports