Feb 10, 2024, 02:47 PM IST

5 most popular types of cricket bats

Aditya Bhatia

English Willow is a popular choice for professional cricketers because it provides durability and toughness to the bat. 

English Willow

There are five grades (1-5), with higher grades having better quality and straighter grains, though they can be a bit pricier.

Kashmiri Willow bats, made from Kashmiri wood, are brownish in color and crafted by hand, making them slightly more expensive than regular bats. 

Kashmiri Willow bats

They're gaining popularity for being lightweight and suitable for strokeplay.

Softball Bats, used in gully cricket, are made of soft rubber and high-quality wood or fiber for tennis ball cricket. 

Softball Bats

They're less expensive than Kashmiri and English willow bats and don't require knocking in or oiling.

Mongoose Bats have a short blade and long handle, differing significantly from conventional bats. 

Mongoose Bats 

The blade is 33% shorter, and the handle is 43% longer, providing a unique design.

Training Cricket Bats help players build skills and come in various sizes and widths. Some may be half the width of a normal cricket bat, while others have a shorter handle cane. 

Training Cricket Bats

They assist in improving hand-eye coordination and other skills, and they can be made with English willow, Kashmir willow, or by a producer using different materials.