Jan 2, 2024, 08:52 AM IST

Tips to boost endorphin level

Khushi Patel

Exercise Frequently

Endorphins are released when people exercise frequently, particularly when they engage in aerobic activities like swimming, cycling, or running. On most days of the week, try to get in at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise

Laugh and Have Fun

It's well known that laughter causes endorphins to be released. See a funny movie, hang out with friends, or partake in enjoyable and humorous activities

Eat Dark Chocolate

Certain compounds in dark chocolate have the ability to release endorphins. Endorphin levels may be raised by consuming moderate amounts of dark chocolate with a high cocoa content

Listen to Music

Endorphins can be released when you listen to your favorite music. Select music that lifts your spirits and gives you a positive feeling

Practice Meditation or Mindfulness

Mindfulness techniques, like yoga, deep breathing, or meditation, can lower stress and raise endorphin levels. Long-term benefits might come from consistent practice

Enjoy Aromatherapy

Citrus, lavender, and vanilla are a few scents that have been linked to higher endorphin production. To experience their relaxing effects, use scented candles or essential oils

Get a Massage

Massage therapy has the power to induce endorphin release and encourage relaxation. Get a massage from a professional or practice self-massage at home

Experience Nature

Being in nature, even for a short while—taking a stroll in a park, going on a hike in the mountains, or just hanging out among plants—can improve mood and increase endorphin levels

Acts of Kindness

Performing deeds of kindness or providing assistance to others can make you feel good and release endorphins. You can improve your mood by volunteering or doing a kind deed for someone else

Disclaimer: This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.