Nov 2, 2023, 07:19 AM IST

Surprising health benefits of Imli (tamarind)

Riddhima Kanetkar

Tamarind (Imli) is rich in fibre and has no fat content. It helps in weight loss as it contains flavonoids and polyphenols

Polyphenolic compounds found in tamarind (imli) can prevent peptic ulcers

Tamarind (imli) seed extracts are anti-inflammatory in nature and they are even said to stabilize blood sugar levels

Tamarind (Imli) has been used since ancient times as a laxative because of its tartaric acid, malic acid, and potassium content. It also aids digestion

Tamarind (imli) is a very heart-friendly fruit. Flavonoids present in tamarind lower LDL and raise HDL or “good” cholesterol levels

Daily consumption of tamarind (imli) extracts can reverse fatty liver condition

Tamarind (Imli) is an effective way to cure allergic asthma and cough because of its antihistaminic properties. It’s also a rich source of vitamin C and can boost the immune system to prevent cold and cough