Mar 4, 2024, 08:37 PM IST

Best vegetarian food sources of Vitamin B12

Jaisal Kaur

Here are veg foods rich in vitamin B12 that you must add to your diet.

Yoghurt: Yoghurt is bliss for vegetarians as it is one of the best sources of vitamin B12 for them. 

Milk and other dairy products: Milk and m-products such as cheese, and paneer are packed with vitamin B12 as well as protein, calcium, and minerals. 

Fortified cereals: Fortified cereals such as bran and whole wheat oats are high in vitamin B12 as well as folate, iron, and vitamin A.

Tempeh: Tempeh is a fermented soybean cake that is a delicacy in Javanese cuisine.

Nutritional yeast: This offers up to 100% of the daily recommended value of vitamin B12.

Mushrooms: They are another vegetarian-friendly food that can provide small amounts of vitamin B12. 

Fortified non-dairy milk: Nondairy milk is famous among those who want a nutritious vegan replacement for dairy milk.

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