Oct 24, 2023, 07:36 AM IST

7 Yoga exercises for healthy eyes


Yoga exercises for the eyes are said to regulate pressure and enhance the functioning of the optic nerves.

Palming begins by sitting quietly with your eyes closed and taking deep breaths to relax. Rub your palms vigorously until they become warm and then place them gently over your closed eyelids. 

Blinking exercise is easy and effective. Blink rapidly for about 10 times and then close your eyes, relaxing for 20 seconds while focusing on your breath. 

Side-ways viewing: Sit in Dandasana and keep your back straight, legs stretched out in front, and head and neck straight. Inhale, raise your arms sideways and look at a point straight in front of you in level with your eyes.

Near and far view: Eye yoga involves moving your eyes from the left, upward, to the right, and downward. These focusing movements and muscle training serve two purposes.

Eye Rotations: Maintain an upright seated position with a straight spine. Rest your hands on your lap and, without moving your head, rotate your eyes clockwise and then counterclockwise for 5-10 minutes in each direction.

To perform up-down movement of the eyes, you have to stand straight on a flat surface or a yoga mat. Look up at the ceiling, then shift your gaze to the floor, and look up again. Repeat this motion 10 times without blinking.

Bhramari Pranayama is performed in a comfortable cross-legged position. So, close your eyes and lightly press your thumbs against your ears, covering them. Place your index fingers between your eyebrows and the ring and little fingers at the base of your nostrils.