Mar 11, 2024, 08:24 PM IST

Heart Health: Vegetables that unclog arteries and prevent stroke

Jaisal Kaur

Here are some vegetables that may help prevent clogged arteries and risk of stroke.

Tomatoes and tomato products: These contain plant compounds that prevent atherosclerosis or clogged arteries.

Onions: Onions have numerous health benefits, including supporting artery health.

Cabbage, and cauliflower: These veggies help to reduce risk of developing clogged arteries and prevent stroke.

Garlic:Garlic is high in anti-inflammatory properties and prevents artery blockage.

Broccoli: This contains proteins which boost natural defense against blockages in the bloodstream.

Beetroot: These are some of the best sources of dietary nitrates, which are converted to nitric oxide in the bloodstream. 

Spinach: Spinach and other dark leafy greens are a good source of dietary nitrates, which promote healthy blood vessels and arteries. 

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