May 25, 2024, 09:44 PM IST

Fruits and vegetables that reduce high uric acid levels instantly

Jaisal Kaur

Berries: Berries especially strawberries, and blueberries have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce uric acid.

Apple: Apple is a rich source of malic acid which combats uric acid.

French bean: This healthy veggie helps in treating gout or high uric acid.

Banana: This is one of the best fruits to reduce uric acid in your blood.

Cherries: They have a natural anti-inflammatory component called anthocyanins. which lowers uric acid levels.

Vitamin C-rich fruits like oranges are helpful in reducing uric acid.

Other vegetables like tomatoes, broccoli, capsicum and cucumbers are must to add in your uric acid diet. 

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports