Feb 23, 2024, 06:41 PM IST

Foods you should avoid eating at dinner

Khushi Patel

Foods that are spicy

The emergence of a goitre, or enlarged thyroid gland, is one of the most obvious symptoms of an iodine shortage. When iodine levels are low, the thyroid gland may try to compensate by growing larger. The thyroid gland needs iodine to generate thyroid hormones

Heavy-fat foods

Foods heavy in fat, including fried dishes or fatty meat cuts, can cause indigestion or bloating and take longer to digest, which can make it difficult to fall asleep

Rich or creamy sauces

Rich or creamy sauces, such Alfredo or cheese-based sauces, can also be hard to digest and can give you heartburn or pain if you consume them right before bed

Foods that are greasy or deep-fried

When ingested in large amounts, greasy or deep-fried foods can be particularly heavy on the stomach and cause indigestion or discomfort

High-sugar foods

Sugar-rich foods, like desserts and sugary snacks, can raise and lower blood sugar levels, upsetting your sleep schedule and making you restless

Caffeinated drinks

It's recommended to stay away from caffeine-containing drinks in the evening as they can make it difficult for you to go asleep and remain asleep. Examples of these are coffee, tea and energy drinks

Carbonated beverages

After a meal, gas and bloating from carbonated drinks may make it difficult to go asleep

Citrus fruits

Fruits with acidic qualities, such as oranges, grapefruits, or lemons, can induce heartburn or acid reflux, particularly when consumed shortly before going to bed

This content, including advice, gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion