Mar 21, 2024, 02:43 PM IST

National Flower Day 2024: Edible flowers you might easily find in your garden

Pravrajya Suruchi

Squash Blossoms: Coveted delicacies in Italian cuisine, squash blossoms can be stuffed, battered, and fried, or added to soups and salads for a delicate flavor.

Chamomile: The flowers of chamomile, also known as English daisy, are commonly steeped to make a calming and aromatic tea that aids in relaxation and digestion.

Rose: With flavors ranging from sweet to spicy, roses can be used to infuse syrups, jams, desserts, and even savory dishes like salads and sauces for a fragrant touch.

Calendula: Bright orange or golden calendula flowers, also known as pot marigolds, add a bitter zest to salads, soups, stews, and can be used to make herbal teas.

Pansy and Viola: These beautiful flowers with a slightly fresh, grassy flavor can be used to adorn cakes, cupcakes, salads, and desserts, adding a colorful and whimsical touch.

Thyme: Thyme flowers have a milder flavor compared to the leaves and can be sprinkled over salads, soups, and roasted vegetables for a subtle herbaceous taste.

Mint: Flowers and leaves of various mint varieties, such as peppermint and chocolate mint, can be infused into teas, jellies, syrups, and sauces, or used as garnishes for desserts and savory dishes.

Marigold: Certain varieties of marigold, with their pleasant bitter tang, can be used in teas, salads, and as a substitute for tarragon in culinary preparations, adding color and flavor to dishes.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports