Apr 27, 2024, 11:54 AM IST

8 symptoms you may have intestines worms

Shweta Singh

Persistent or recurring abdominal pain, cramps, or discomfort, especially around the navel region, can be a symptom of intestinal worms.

Abdominal pain

Changes in bowel habits such as frequent diarrhea, constipation, or both can indicate the presence of intestinal worms.

Diarrhea or constipation

Feeling nauseous or vomiting, especially after eating, may be a sign of a parasitic infection.

Nausea and vomiting

Intestinal worms can lead to fatigue, weakness, and a general feeling of being unwell due to the body's efforts to fight off the infection.


Despite eating a normal diet, significant and unexplained weight loss may occur in individuals with intestinal worm infestations.

Weight loss

The presence of worms in the intestines can cause itching or irritation around the anus, especially at night when the female worms lay their eggs.

Itching around the anus

Bloody stool or traces of blood in the stool can be a symptom of severe infestations or damage to the intestines caused by certain types of worms.

Bloody stool

Intestinal worms can interfere with the absorption of nutrients from food, leading to deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals, which may manifest as symptoms like weakness, pale skin, or brittle hair and nails.

Nutritional deficiencies