May 1, 2024, 08:07 PM IST

8 Japanese habits to stay energetic 

Shweta Singh

Japanese culture emphasizes holistic well-being, and many of their habits contribute to staying energetic throughout the day. Here are eight Japanese habits that can help:

Start your day with simple stretching exercises to awaken your body and improve circulation.

Morning Stretching

Enjoy a balanced breakfast of rice, miso soup, grilled fish, and vegetables for sustained energy and essential nutrients.

Healthy Breakfast

Drink green tea throughout the day for antioxidants and a metabolism boost without coffee's crash.

Green Tea Consumption

Incorporate walking into your daily routine to promote physical health, clear your mind, and reduce stress.


Practice eating until you're 80% full to avoid energy dips caused by overeating.

Mindful Eating

Take short power naps in public spaces to recharge your energy levels and improve cognitive function.

Power Naps

Engage in activities like tai chi or yoga to improve fitness and mental well-being.

Regular Physical Activity

Wind down with a hot bath before bed to relax muscles and ensure a restful night's sleep.

Evening Relaxation