Mar 12, 2024, 11:11 AM IST

8 best food combinations according to ayurveda

Khushi Patel

Ghee and Rice

Rice is easily digested, and ghee, or clarified butter, is thought to be good for digestion. When combined, they offer a filling and stabilizing supper

Turmeric and Black Pepper

Black pepper helps the body absorb turmeric better and has strong anti-inflammatory effects of its own. In Ayurvedic cookery, this combination is frequently utilized

Lemon and Honey

Honey has calming and regulating properties, while lemon helps with detoxification and digestion. When combined with warm water, the two make a revitalizing beverage

Yogurt and Fresh Fruit

Fresh fruits offer vitamins and minerals, while yogurt has probiotics that help intestinal health. When the two are combined, you have a wholesome and simple-to-digest breakfast or snack

Ginger and Honey

Honey balances the body and calms the throat, while ginger is warming and helps with digestion. A soothing tea that can ease the symptoms of a cold can be made by combining ginger and honey with hot water

Cumin, Coriander, and Fennel Tea

The seeds of cumin, coriander, and fennel work together to improve digestion, lessen bloating, and encourage detoxification in this Ayurvedic herbal tea

Basmati Rice and Mung Dal

Mung dal, or split yellow lentils, is healthy and well-balanced, while basmati rice is light and easily digested. They make up a complete protein when combined, and Ayurvedic cleansing diets frequently incorporate them

Almonds and Milk

Milk is comforting and nourishing, while almonds are a great source of protein and good fats. Almonds can be soaked for the entire night and then blended with milk to make a nourishing and stimulating beverage

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