Feb 2, 2024, 12:26 PM IST

7 reasons why you should add Triphala to your diet

Ritik Raj

Three fruits—Amla, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki—are combined to make the traditional Ayurvedic herbal formula known as Triphala Churna.

Boosts metabolism: Triphala is said to have a favorable effect on metabolism, which may help with fat metabolism and weight management.

Improves Oral Health: Triphala is known to have improved gum health and oral hygiene, so start adding triphala to your diet.

Enhances Sleep: Adding triphala to your evening routine may aid in calming the stomach and enhancing the quality of your sleep.

​Dosha balance: Triphala is said by Ayurveda to aid in the balancing of the three doshas (Pitta, Kapha, and Vata), which supports general bodily harmony.

Anti-inflammatory effects: adding triphala to your diet may reduce inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Promote Digestive Health: Triphala may aid in nutrient absorption, thereby improving digestive health.

Remove Toxins: It is thought that Triphala possesses detoxifying qualities that help the body rid itself of toxins. This can lead to an improvement in general health and well-being.

This content, including advice, gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion.