Dec 26, 2023, 03:16 PM IST

7 effective exercises for abs

Ritik Raj


One of the best ways to strengthen your core is to hold the pose for as long as you can while maintaining a straight body line from your head to your heels. 

Leg Raises

Leg raises help improve your overall control over your body. Leg raises target the inner thighs as well as the lower abs.

Russian Twists

Because they target the obliques and transverse abdominus, two key muscles that support proper posture, Russian twists are an excellent way to tone your abs.

Mountain Climbers

Due to their emphasis on the core, mountain climbers are the perfect workout to burn that stubborn belly fat and flaunt your abs.

Reverse Crunches

Your upper body stays on the mat as you contract your abs to bring your legs towards your chest, which works your lower abs.

Hollow Body Hold

Hollow body holds help strengthen your core by activating the muscles in the anterior chain on the front of your body.

Side Jackknifes

Position your right hand comfortably and place your left hand behind your head. Then, lie on your right side with your left leg crossed over your right.

Bicycle Crunches

Your core muscles are strengthened by exercises like bicycle crunches, which can help to tone and tighten your body.

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