May 27, 2024, 12:28 PM IST

5 tips to prevent asthma attacks 

Deepika Shakya

Preventing asthma attacks involves a combination of lifestyle adjustments and medical management. 

Here are  5 tips to prevent asthma attacks 

Know what triggers your asthma (like pollen or smoke) and take steps to avoid these irritants.

Identify and Avoid Triggers

Keep your living spaces clean and free of dust, mold, and other allergens to reduce the risk of asthma attacks.

Maintain a Healthy Environment

Regularly take your asthma medication as prescribed by your doctor to keep your condition under control.

Take Medication as Prescribed

Use a peak flow meter to regularly check your lung function and recognize early signs of an asthma attack.

Monitor Your Condition

Breathing exercises can help improve lung function and reduce the frequency of asthma symptoms.

Practice Breathing Exercises

By following these tips, individuals with asthma can reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.

 This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.