May 26, 2024, 09:13 PM IST

10 most vengeful animals in the world

Shweta Singh

Elephants have excellent memories and can hold grudges, often attacking villages and humans that have harmed them in the past.


Dolphins are intelligent and social, sometimes retaliating against sharks and humans who pose threats to their pods.


Crows recognize human faces and hold grudges, remembering people who mistreated them for years and teaching other crows to avoid them.


Orcas exhibit complex social behaviors and can retaliate against threats to their pods, including humans.


Chimpanzees have strong social bonds and can coordinate attacks on individuals or groups that have wronged them.


Fearless and determined, honey badgers aggressively retaliate against threats, regardless of the opponent's size.

Honey Badgers

Solitary and territorial, leopards can seek out and attack humans who have harmed them or encroached on their territory.


Wasps are highly aggressive if their nest is disturbed and can remember and target specific threats to their colony.


Wolves are protective of their pack and can exhibit aggressive behaviors towards threats, including humans, if a pack member is harmed.
