May 23, 2024, 12:10 AM IST

10 Indian states with worldwide popular mangoes

Pravrajya Suruchi

Maharashtra: Home to the world-renowned Alphonso mangoes, Maharashtra is a major producer of this king of fruits.

Uttar Pradesh: This north Indian state is known for its luscious Langra, Dasheri, and Chausa mangoes.

Andhra Pradesh: This southern state is known for its sweet and flavorful Totapuri mangoes.

Gujarat: This western state is known for its Kesar and Kesri mangoes. Kesar mangoes are known for their saffron-like color, smooth texture, and sweetness.

Telangana: This south-central state is known for its delicious Neelam and Banginapalli mangoes. Neelam mangoes are known for their small size, sweetness, and mild tang.

Karnataka: This southern state is another major producer of mangoes in India. Some of the popular varieties include Mallika, Pairi, and Neelam.

Tamil Nadu: This southern state is known for its Alphonso mangoes and produces some of the best quality ones in the country.

West Bengal: This eastern state is known for its delicious Langra, Fazli, and Lakshmanbhog mangoes.

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