Mar 3, 2024, 05:24 PM IST

10 health benefits of drinking cashew milk

Shweta Singh

Cashew milk is lower in calories compared to cow's milk, making it a good option for those looking to manage their calorie intake.

Low in Calorie

It's a suitable alternative for individuals who are lactose intolerant or have dairy allergies, as it contains no lactose or dairy.


Cashew milk is naturally cholesterol-free and contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fats which may help to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

Heart Health

It is often easier to digest than cow's milk, making it a good option for individuals with sensitive stomachs or digestive issues.

Digestive Health

Many brands of cashew milk are fortified with calcium and vitamin D, which are essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones.

Bone Health

Cashew milk contains antioxidants such as vitamin E, which can help to reduce oxidative stress in the body and support overall health.

Rich in Antioxidants

Cashew milk is lower in calories and fat than cow's milk, making it a suitable option for those looking to manage their weight.

Weight Management

Cashew milk is often fortified with vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B12, riboflavin, and zinc, which are important for overall health and wellbeing.

Vitamins and Minerals

The vitamin E content in cashew milk may help to promote healthy skin by protecting it from damage caused by free radicals.

Skin Health