Mar 29, 2024, 10:48 PM IST

LS polls: How much cash is allowed to carry during elections?

Varnika Srivastava

The nation is operating under the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) from March 16 to June 4.

You have probably seen police squads searching cars in order to seize cash at different locations. Actually, political parties are in full swing with their Lok Sabha election campaigns.

The Election Commission of India has imposed cash restrictions following the implementation of a code of conduct to curb the use of black money in the campaign.

Police confiscate excessive cash, liquor, or jewelery during vehicle searches, and after proving it's not black money, they request related documents to prove its value.

The police will return cash, liquor, or jewellery if a person presents valid documents.

If cash is confiscated, the question arises about the maximum amount of cash one can carry, which the police cannot ask questions about.

The Election Commission has granted permission for the carrying of cash up to Rs 50,000 with valid documents during the code of conduct.

If your car contains liquor, weapons, or jewelery worth over Rs 10,000, you must have valid documents for it.

The rules apply to individuals who are completely common men without any political affiliations.