Aug 3, 2023, 01:41 PM IST

Weight loss: Health benefits of cucumber raita

Sonali Sharma

Digestion: Helps to better digest your food, gives a cooling effect and improves bowel movements.

Weight Loss: Cucumber really hydrating that also helps to get rid of the toxins. And, curd that you mix with cucumber has properties that balance cortisol production.

Adding cucumber raita to your diet is great because this is a light and healthy food option that not only helps in digestion but light for your stomach and good for your cardiovascular health.

The curd in the raita is full of protein that helps to control the blood sugar level and cucumber helps to flush out the toxins from your body.

Curd is rich in phosphorus and calcium and that makes the bones and teeth stronger.

Curd is rich in probiotics which are healthy bacteria that is needed to maintain the balance of the microorganisms in the body.

The curd contains probiotics that help in the proper functioning of the digestive system.

Consuming curd can reduce cholesterol which in turn reduces the risk of hypertension and blood pressure.

Raita is not only an energy booster but also acts as an antioxidant reducing oxidative stress.

When mixed with lime and gram flour it acts as a natural face pack that gives blemish-free and glowing skin.