Apr 8, 2024, 07:19 AM IST

8 Indian snacks that may not increase cholesterol

Pravrajya Suruchi

Roasted Makhana (Fox Nuts): These crunchy nuts are a good source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

Moong Dal Cheela (Savory Mung Bean Pancakes): Made with soaked and ground moong dal (lentils), these savory pancakes are a good source of protein and fiber.

Sprouts Chaat: Sprouted lentils and beans like moong dal and chana (chickpeas) are packed with protein, fiber, and vitamins.

Bhel Puri (Puffed Rice Salad): This popular street food salad features puffed rice tossed with chopped vegetables, chutneys, and sometimes sevĀ 

Khakhra with Hummus: Whole wheat khakhras are a flatbread option that's lower in calories and fat compared to fried snacks.

Poha Cutlets: Poha, flattened rice flakes, can be transformed into delicious cutlets with the addition of mashed vegetables, spices, and minimal oil.

Vegetable Samosa (Baked): Samosas are traditionally deep-fried, but you can bake them for a healthier option.

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