Apr 28, 2024, 05:38 PM IST

8 health benefits of eating raw mango

Varnika Srivastava

A 2022 study found that raw mango consumption may help manage weight, with male adults showing lower BMI, waist circumference, and body weight compared to non-consumers.

Helps with weight loss

Raw mango, rich in antioxidants like polyphenols and mangiferin, may help manage cancers by inhibiting cell proliferation and apoptosis, though further human studies are needed.

Prevents cancer

Raw mangoes may improve liver health by stimulating bile production and mangiferin, an antioxidant, which aids digestion and drug removal, though no human studies have yet been conducted.

Improves liver health

Mangoes, rich in antioxidant mangiferin, may promote a healthy heart, with their fiber, potassium, and vitamin content potentially reducing cardiac disease risk.

Protects heart

Raw mangoes, rich in nutrients like Vitamin A, C, and E, are beneficial for nourished hair and healthy skin, but more studies are needed to confirm these claims.

Improve skin health and hair

Raw mangoes, rich in Vitamin C, may reduce blood disorders like haemophilia, anemia, and blood clot formation, increase blood vessel elasticity, and aid haematopoiesis.

Prevents blood disorder

The presence of Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and antioxidants in raw mango may serve as an effective immunity booster.

Immunity booster

A high level of carotenoids in raw mango may help improve eyesight.

Improves eye-sight

Disclaimer: This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.