Apr 1, 2024, 07:07 PM IST

9 Bollywood actors who were typecast

Aman Wadhwa

Bob Christo was typecasted into playing negative roles in Bollywood films

Alok Nath was typecasted into playing the role of 'sanskaari babuji' in Bollywood films

Iftekhar was seen as police commissioner in most of the films in his career

Nirupa Roy was typecasted into playing hero's mother in Hindi films

AK Hangal was mostly seen playing an honest, old man in Bollywood films

Mac Mohan mostly got the roles of playing a villain's sidekick in Bollywood

Jagdish Raj played the role of a police inspector in more than 140 films in his career

Despite being a non-drinker, Keshto Mukherjee was mostly seen playing a drunkard in Hindi films

Reema Lagoo was typecasted into playing a supportive mom in most of the films in her career