Jul 25, 2023, 06:21 AM IST

10 inspirational messages by Suriya


“Do your best and keep learning – that’s what I believe in.”

“I’m just trying to up my films – how every film should be better than the previous one. That’s what I struggle for.”

“I ask myself if I deserve what I have. What I have today is way more than I ever bargained for.”

 “As for Hollywood, there was an offer. But I declined to do it because of certain moral and ethical values.”

“When people leave the theatre, they should remember a line, a character, a sequence, or an emotion. With entertainment, I want to give meaningful cinema.” 

“I always make sure that every film of mine has some element of freshness to it.”

“It is very important for both parents to spend quality time with their children.”

“It is very important for both parents to spend quality time with their children.”

“The one thing humans can’t control is time.”

" I try and imagine myself in situations and figure out how I’d have reacted and responded to them, and then bring that insight into my acting.”