Every now and then we hear news about European cities offering great rewards for people who wish to relocate to new destinations. The latest in the list is the Italian town Presicce. The authorities have announced a reward of 30,000 USD (Rs 25 lakh) to those who shift base.


Many houses in the town have been abandoned by their original owners, and now the authorities want the outsiders to buy them and receive the reward. As per reports, the houses are priced very competitively.

The buyers, apart from getting big spaces, also find themselves in the proximity of scenic beaches and picturesque locations.

Many countries are witnessing the movement of upper middle class towards bigger cities and areas near industrial centres. In the process, their native places lose some of its prominent citizens, and in due course of time, a good part of its existing business. Over a couple of decades, the upward trend brings a solid dent to the local economy.

Now, several city councils have started finding unique ways to counter this movement problem.

Earlier, Albinen in Switzerland offered a similar deal to expats because the local population was witnessing a de-growth. Many prominent cities of the world also give combo offers like free desk space and subsidy to keep their population balanced.

So, are you backpacking to Italy?

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