A Wikipedia link is the answer to all our questions as the site offers in-depth information to all users in a friendly manner. January 15 is celebrated as ‘Wikipedia Day’ to mark the birth and formation of a multilingual online encyclopaedia that is the end of almost every search.


Every person who uses the internet for one thing or another is aware about the existence of Wikipedia. This popular information provider has abundant information for any and everyone who wants to expand their knowledge horizon.

To this, and many more learnings, let’s dedicate today to Wikipedia!

More about Wikipedia

Before the existence of Wikipedia, students and researchers had to delve deep into tons of books in various libraries to gather information about a particular topic. As technology and internet were not quite accessible, people were dependent upon physical books to read and learn.

After the formation of this search engine Wikipedia, the world underwent a major change. People could now gather information just with a click. They could also add their own share of knowledge and correct any wrong information as Wikipedia allowed edits. On January 15, 2001, Wikipedia started its first edit after the domain was registered by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.

The website, overseen by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, is known for facilitating the creation and development of articles. While many people have raised questions about the credibility of the content available on this free encyclopaedia, it still remains the most accessible source of information.

Since its origin, the website has undergone various edits, deletions, and additions by over billions of users. Consequently, the data available is questioned at times.

While the authenticity of its content has been questioned time and again, one cannot deny the contributions Wikipedia has made in the field of science and research.