Mozilla Firefox is one of the most used web browsers across the world. Due to this, cyber security agencies suggest users keep their software up to date. Not updating your web browser may lead you into trouble. Using an outdated version of any software makes it easy for hackers to hack your device and steal your data including email, phone, bank details and others. This is why software companies regularly give an update to users.


Cyber security agencies also warn people about any bugs or vulnerabilities in different applications. And now, the Indian government has warned Mozilla Firefox users about a vulnerability in the browser. The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), which comes under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, has issued a ‘high’ severity warning for Mozilla Firefox users.

However, this bug only affects Firefox for Android, and other versions of Firefox are unaffected. “A remote attacker can exploit this vulnerability by persuading a victim to visit a specially crafted website," it said in a statement.

CERT-In claimed that the vulnerability exists in Mozilla Firefox due to use-after-free error in libaudio when used on Android API below version 30. CERT-In says that Mozilla Firefox versions prior to 110.1.0 are at risk. It also advised the affected users to upgrade to Mozilla Firefox version 110.1.0 to stay safe.

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