1. Iron Man volunteers to voice Facebook’s AI assistant

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was looking to give his AI Jarvis, a voice. Iron Man volunteered. Read more here.


2. Watch: Zipline’s drones start delivering blood to hospitals in Rwanda

A California-based robotics company called Zipline thinks they may have the solution to Rwanda’s problem: delivering medication using drones. Read more here

3. Watch: New 'WristWhirl' smartwatch can be operated with wrist movements​

Scientists have developed a new smartwatch that can be operated with wrist movements and gestures, allowing users to control the device even when their hands are not free. Read more here.

4. YouTube moment: Video site usurps cable TV among teens, but Netflix surges

Daily viewing of online video platform YouTube has passed cable TV's teenage audience for the first time ever, according to a new report, but neither is close to Netflix.​ Read more here.

5. Google Maps might soon turn into a social platform

Google mentioned that Panoramio will be a redundant platform since its functions are already being provided by Google Maps and the company's Local Guides program.​ Read more here.