In a recent incident, an eight-year-old girl used her father's ham radio to communicate with a Nasa astronaut on the International Space Station (ISS). The extraterrestrial encounter also raised suspicions and was discussed widely on various online platforms. The 35-second dialogue has just reemerged.


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The International Space Station Research website, which calls itself "Nasa's official source for research and science from the ISS," was the first to share the dialogue on Twitter. The Instagram account Positive news has now reposted it. "Matt Payne, of Kent, England, shares his interest and passion for amateur radio (ham radio) with his 8-year-old daughter, Isabella," according to the Instagram caption.

"On Aug 2, the father-daughter duo made a call using their radio. To their surprise, the call went through to the International Space Station. On the other end of the line was Kjell Lindgren, commander of NASA SpaceX Crew-4," it added.

The captain of NASA SpaceX Crew-4, Kjell Lindgren, had a conversation with Isabella and described his thoughts and feelings thereafter.

Daily reshares on Instagram have helped the debate gain around three thousand likes and many comments.