In India, the second Sunday in the month of May is celebrated as Mother's Day. This year, Mother's Day will be celebrated on May 8, 2022. This day celebrates the unconditional love that a woman has for her children. They say, "A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend."


Mother's Day 2022: When was it first celebrated? 

Mother's Day was first celebrated in the US, in 1908 when a woman named Anna Jarvis wished to celebrate Mother's Day as a recognised holiday to honour her mother, Ann Reese Jarvis who was a peace activist and had passed away three years prior. Anna also built a memorial for her mother in St. Andrews Methodist Church in West Virginia which is also now the International Mother’s Day Shrine. Anna Jarvis wanted to honour her mother as she believed that a mother is "the person who has done more for you than anyone in the world".

READ | Mother's Day 2022: Simple ways to make your mother feel special

When is Mother's Day celebrated in different countries? 

Mother's Day is also celebrated on different days in different countries. In the UK, Mother's Day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of March to honour the Mother Church on Christian Mothering Sunday. Greece celebrates Mother's Day on February 2, linking it with the Eastern Orthodox celebration of the presentation of Jesus Christ at the temple.

Even though mothers should be in our thoughts and prayers each day, but it is always nice to have one special day to make your mother feel loved, and appreciated and to show her how much you shower your unconditional love upon her.