We are in the month of love, a.k.a. February and the excitement surrounding Valentine's Day is hard to miss among lovebirds. The day originated as a commemoration to Saint Valentine, a central character to various ancient folklores on the themes of love and romance.


But while most of us are aware of the tales surrounding Valentine's Day, do we know the story behind the days leading up to February 14?

Feb 7 - Rose Day - The Valentine's Day celebrations start a week before with Rose Day when people exchange roses with their loved ones. The colour of roses also defines the sentiments behind them. While red rose symbolises love, a yellow rose signifies friendship.

Feb 8 - Propose Day - As the name suggests, on this day, people express feelings to their partner or pop the question to their crush. It is usually the day when people express their love without hesitation.

Feb 9 - Chocolate Day - On this day, people pamper their partners with chocolates and candies. But the sweetest day of the year also has its own story.

It is said that sometime in the 1840s, when Valentine's Day was being celebrated across the world with flowers and handwritten notes, English entrepreneur and chocolate-maker Richard Cadbury of Cadbury company stepped in with his own assortment of endearing chocolates wrapped in beautiful boxes. Thanks to him, Valentine's Day wishes only got sweeter.

Feb 10 - Teddy Day - On this day, couples gift each other a cuddly and fluffy teddy bear. The idea, many say, is to give something to your partner to hug in your absence. But do you know how teddy bears came into being? That too is an interesting story.

The teddy bear was invented in honour of US President Theodore Roosevelt. It all began when Roosevelt was on a bear hunting trip in Mississippi on November 14, 1902. However, he'd failed to locate a single bear.

One of Roosevelt's assistants caught a black bear, tied it and asked him to shoot it. However, Roosevelt thought it was unsportsmanlike and refused to shoot the bear. The news spread like wildfire and also made it on newspapers as cartoons. A toy shop owner who made stuffed animals seized upon the idea and created the world's first 'Teddy Bear'.

Feb 11 - Promise Day - Couples mark this day by making promises to stay together through thick and thin.

Feb 12 - Hug Day - When words can't explain an emotion or a complicated situation, a hug can do wonders. Right?

Feb 13 - Kiss Day - This is the day when couples seal their love with a kiss.

Feb 14 - Valentine's Day - And the weeklong celebrations then culminate on this day with romantic dinners or other outings.

However, this isn't all. From February 15 starts the Anti-Valentine's Week, mostly a social media creation by singles that has gained popularity over the years!

Feb 15 - Slap Day - Since there is no clear tradition to the day, it's open to interpretation. This is the day when you may slap your sentiments away for your cheating ex or for an unresponsive crush. You might also slap your negative behaviours away.

Also, it's a great day for slapping your pals for fun. If you are someone who keeps looking for a way to slap your friend, here's a good reason for you.

Feb 16 - Kick Day - Much like Slap Day, this day too is open to interpretation. This is mostly meant for ex-lovers. It is a good day to kick away your ex's gifts, and also your worries and bad habits. A hard kick by an irritating friend can't be ruled out, but please do not go on a kicking spree.

Feb 17 - Perfume Day - More than literal, this day has a metaphorical meaning. This is the day when you put on a new perfume, meaning it's a new you where you shake off all negativity and start doing things differently. Some also say that a perfume gives out a person's personality.

Feb 18 - Flirting Day - Been itching to use those pick-up lines you've so often come across? Or been desperate to ask out that person you've been eyeing for long. Well, today's the day. Go out and meet new people and try your luck again. Also, a healthy flirting hurts no one!

Feb 19 - Confession Day - This day is about confessing your deepest feelings to someone. Use this day to talk to someone you've been meaning to . You can also confess about the mistakes you've done in the past or the mischiefs you didn't tell anyone before. Confessing one's 'sins' at the church has been a long tradition in Christianity.

Feb 20 - Missing Day - This is a good time to let someone know you miss them. But beware of trying it out with your ex. You can take the lessons though.

Feb 21 - Breakup Day - Are you tired of being in a toxic relationship that is harming your inner peace? Well, if you're ready to call it quits, then this day provides you the motivation.

Breakup Day, the final day of Anti-Valentine's Week, is the right time to end your relationship with your insecure, controlling and jealous partner, and rather choose freedom. It might not be easy, but you know it's necessary. This day also celebrates those people who have had a breakup from their lovers.

Well, in short, Anti-Valentine's Week is a fun way to detox from the love week.