Happy Hug Day! Hugs are underrated but they have the power to make many people's day instantly better. Embracing someone close can lift the mood and make it easier to go through the difficult times in life. Hugs are known to have positive effects both on the body and the mind. It is therefore great that Hug Day is celebrated every year on February 12 as part of the Valentine's Week celebrations.


Hugs can be romantic, familial, friendly, and even perfunctory. As people around the world reach out to their loved ones and partners for hugs to mark this special day, here are some incentives and positive effects on health brought about by hugs:

Hugs can help with blood pressure: Apart from the medical ways of regulating blood pressure, hugs can help in lowering blood pressure too. A University of North Carolina study suggested that those people who got more hugs and higher levels of oxytocin hormone had better control over their blood pressure as compared to those who did not get enough hugs.

Hugs can improve your sleep: Many people deal with poor sleep quality nowadays. Sleep can become remarkably better with hugs. A study by the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) came out with a conclusion that a few minutes of cuddling and contact with a partner before sleep can improve its quality.

Hugs to get better immunity: This may come out as a surprise but studies have shown that hugs can even boost immunity. A study in the Psychological Science suggested that hugs lower down the stress hormone cortisol, which increases the killer cells to counter bacteria and viruses.

Hugs can help with stress: Hugs can help in lowering stress as they release oxytocin causing the heart rate to slow down. Hugs can be a sure way to feel lighter and happier.