It is common to have stress and anxiety in today's busy and hectic life. Due to the pressure of work, upheaval in personal life and many other reasons, people are facing the problem of anxiety. Because of this, both mental and physical health can get spoiled. This problem can happen to anyone at any age and for any reason.


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According to Healthline, doing yoga gives relief from stress and you can reduce anxiety through Veerasan, Balasan and Trikonasana. 

3 yoga asanas to reduce anxiety 

Virasana (Hero Pose)

Feet, ankles and knees become strong by doing Virasana. By practicing this, digestion also remains fine. This also reduces anxiety.

To do Virasana, sit on your knees by laying on a yoga mat. To do this asana, sit on your knees on the ground. Keep your hands on your knees. Bring the hips between the ankles. Now reduce the distance between your knees. Pull the navel inwards. You can do this asana for 5 minutes. Relax now. If you feel uncomfortable, keep a pillow or block under the hips.

Balasana (Child's pose)

By doing Balasana, the body relaxes. This also reduces stress and anxiety.

To do this asana, first of all, sit in Vajrasana on the yoga mat. Now while breathing, take both hands above your head. After this, while exhaling, bend forward. Now keep the palms and forehead on the ground. Take care of breathing.

Trikonasana (Tree pose)

The ankles become strong by doing Vrikshasana. The balance of the body also remains correct by its practice. Along with this, stress and anxiety are also controlled.

To do this asana, stand in a careful posture. Now slowly bending the knee of the straight leg, place the paw on the thigh of the left leg and keep this leg straight. Hold your breath. Move both hands upwards. Now make the pose of Namaskar. After this, exhale while bringing the leg down.