Captain Deeksha C. Mudadevannanavar, is the first female officer to be commissioned into the Indian Army's Parachute Regiment's top special forces outfit. 


About Captain DeekshaA native of Davangere in Karnataka, Captain Deeksha by the Short Service Commission (SSC), was appointed to the MH Golconda of the Indian Army in October 2019. A member of the National Cadet Corps (NCC), she underwent MOBC training at the Army Medical Corps Center in Lucknow after receiving her commission. 

Captain Deeksha a doctor in the Indian Army has been posted as a Medical Officer with a Parachute Regiment (Special Forces) battalion. She has undergone training with the special forces troops and has undergone rigorous training with the special forces operatives.

She was misidentified to have been deployed in Turkiye as part of Operation Dost. She is a medical doctor and is trained for special operations as she may be required to provide help to troops during special operations. Medical officers in special forces units have earlier also been closely associated with special operations.

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Captain Deeksha’s story behind getting into Special forcesCaptain Deeksha was assigned to the 303 Field Hospital in Leh's Tangtse after completing the first level of the course. Interestingly, Captain Deeksha attempted twice to enlist in the Parachute Regiment but was rejected both times. She immediately conferenced out since her physical capabilities were inadequate. 

Colonel Shivesh Singh, Captain Deeksha's commanding officer, inspired her to sign up for the military again. Captain Deeksha was injured during her second attempt and was once more unsuccessful in being accepted into the Parachute Regiment.

Captain Deeksha eventually made it through the Paratrooper selection process and was subsequently chosen for Special Forces in December 2022, despite the fact that the female officer had been injured.

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Captain Deeksha explained in the exclusive interview with Republic that her desire to pursue a "challenging and unique profession" was what drove her to enlist in the Indian Army. 

Deeksha admitted that she has always desired a career that would allow her to contribute back to society. The National Cadet Corps experience that Captain Deeksha had strengthened her resolve to enlist in the Indian Army and serve her country.