With a dip in COVID-19 cases in Jharkhand, the state government has decided to relax more lockdown-like restrictions for business establishments and educational institutions.


As per the new guidelines, offline classes for students from classes 9 to 12 can resume, however, schools will stay open till noon and children will be allowed to attend only with the permission of parents. In addition to this, colleges can also reopen for the final year classes of both undergraduate and postgraduate courses. For returning to classes, which will function till noon, students are required to be vaccinated with at least one dose. 

Teaching and non-teaching staff is required to attend the educational institutions. Other relaxations also include permission for cinema halls and multiplexes to resume service at 50 percent capacity. Restaurants and bars can also function till 10 pm with the same schedule. 

All shops except for vegetable-fruit grocery/restaurant/bar, eatables, and essential services are to be closed by 8 pm on Saturday and will open at 6 am on Monday. According to a statement from the state government, clubs are allowed to be open and Cinema halls, bars, multiplexes, restaurants will be able to open with 50 percent capacity in the state.

According to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 259 active cases were recorded in the state of Jharkhand, on Friday, whereas 3,41,720 people have recovered from the novel coronavirus. The death toll was reported at 5,126.