The Indian consulate in San Francisco, United States came under attack once again, as alleged Khalistani supporters attempted to set the building on fire. The vandalisation attempt was strongly condemned by the US State Department, according to news agency.


According to a local media channel called Diya TV, the Indian consulate in San Francisco was set on fire on the wee hours of Sunday, around 2:30 am. According to media reports, the attack was allegedly carried out by Khalistani supporters.

This is the second attack of Khalistani supporters on the Indian consulate in San Francisco in the last five months. The TV channel aired a video of flames erupting inside the Indian consulate building, however, the same cannot be independently verified by DNA.

After the video of the alleged attack on the Indian Consulate went viral on social media, the US State Department reacted to the alleged attack, condemning the actions of the vandalisation of the facility.

US State Department officer Matthew Miller said on Twitter, “The U.S. strongly condemns the reported vandalism and attempted arson against the Indian Consulate in San Francisco on Saturday. Vandalism or violence against diplomatic facilities or foreign diplomats in the U.S. is a criminal offense.”

This is the second attack on the Indian consulate in the last five months. The first attack on the San Francisco Indian consulate occurred when the Punjab Police had carried out a massive search against Khalistani leader Amritpal Singh.

Banners of ‘Free Amritpal’ were waving at the time, and people tried to desecrate the Indian tricolor flying outside the Indian consulate in San Francisco. Similar attacks were also carried out in Canada and Australia due to the arrest of Amritpal and his aides.

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