New Delhi: Coronavirus vaccine and Indo Pacific were among the key focus areas of the video teleconference between Indian Prime Minister and German chancellor Angela Merkel. 


"Prime Minister briefed Chancellor Merkel on the developments in India with regard to vaccine development and assured Chancellor Merkel of India’s commitment to deploy its capacities for the benefit of the world," a release by Prime Minister's office said.

During the video meet, the PM also conveyed his "best wishes for early containment of the new wave of infections in Germany and other European countries."

This year, India and Germany celebrate the 70th anniversary of their relationship. Both sides will also hold sixth Inter-Governmental Consultations(IGC) at the PM-Chancellor level. The last IGC meet was in 2019, when German chancellor Merkel visited India.

PM Modi also "appreciated the long-standing role of Chancellor Merkel in providing stable and strong leadership at the European and global stage, and thanked her for guiding the growth of the India-Germany Strategic Partnership."

Germany has decided to join the International Solar Alliance (ISA), which was welcomed by PM Modi during the talks.

This is the first video meet of Prime Minister with any foreign leaders in 2021, though he had a telephonic chat with British PM Boris Johnson earlier this week. Last few months have seen increased engagement between India and European leadership. 2020 saw virtual summits of Indian PM with EU's leadership and his counterparts from Denmark, Luxemburg, Italy. This year will see the India EU summit in May in Portugal.