After the comedy group All India Bakchod pulled down their AIB Knockout video from YouTube post facing opposition by politicians, religious groups, a stand-up comedy event featuring performer Aditi Mittal in Mumbai too got cancelled following threats from a political party. 


Cheval, a bar and restaurant in Mumbai, had to cancel their event 'Wednesday Wisecrackers' as the party threatened to create nuisance. 


A person from the management confirmed the cancellation and speculated that since one of their performers Aditi Mittal was in the roast, the party did not want the event to take place.

"They were not happy with the idea (of a stand-up comedy show being held) and even if Aditi Mittal backed out, they still did not want us to carry out the event," he added.

Must Read: Stand Up for Comedy, writes Aditi Mittal of AIB Roast fame

He also felt that the concerns of the party were unwarranted as their event was a stand up comedy show and not a roast which strictly has insult comedy routines. The weekly show at Cheval tonight had consisted of three other stand-up comedians along with Mittal. 


Maintaining that all they intended was just to make fine dining more fun, the management person said,"The is idea to make eating in bars and restaurants interesting."

The restaurant management is not considering any action against the party and while the show is cancelled Cheval will be open for service. 

Also Read: Day after pulling down controversial Roast video, AIB speaks out

Though the management did not confirm the political party behind the cancellation of show, a twitter conversation a fan had with Mittal adds to the speculation on the matter.