With the resignation of Sheila Dikshit on 26 August, the Narendra Modi government finds itself 'free of Congressmen' in its bureaucracy.


Dikshit was one of the last few to fall as several governors vacated their gubernatorial positions in what seemed like a domino effect. Read more

However Dikshit quitting as Kerala's governor could be a dicey situation for both the Congress as well as the Bharatiya Janata Party.

Though the Modi government now has been able to appoint favourable governors, freeing Dikshit up from her post may now allow her to get into active politics. This would give a much needed shot in the arm for the Delhi Congress and make the BJP's job harder to gain over Delhi. 

Dikshit without the governor title will no longer enjoy immunity against criminal proceedings and the perceived corruption charges against her will come back to haunt her.

The opposition has held Sheila Dikshit reponsible for the Commonwealth Games scam and the Delhi Jal Board scam. They have been relentlessly demanding that cases be registered against her.