Camila Mendes gets candid about her eating disorder on the Going Mental podcast.


The 28-year-old actress talked about her insecurities and explained that she struggled with body image issues since childhood and it got worse when she started filming the first season of the hit TV show Riverdale in 2017.

'I would watch every episode and be like, "Oh my God, my stomach there." I was, like, so insecure, and it really fueled my eating disorder,' she said.

Also read: Eating Disorders: What are Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa - symptoms and cure

What is eating disorder?

Eating disorder is a psychological conditions caused by unhealthy eating habits. According to Healthline, eating disorder starts due to the desire to eat more, eat less due to obesity and get a proper body shape. In many cases, this can lead to serious health issues. Eating disorders can be a major cause of mental diseases.

During this, patients eat more food or completely stop eating. This problem is seen more in women. Many times the body fat of the patient becomes so low that he has to face a dangerous disease like anorexia nervosa.

Types of Eating Disorders

  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Bulimia nervosa
  • Binge eating disorder
  • Pica
  • Rumination disorder
  • Avoidant food intake disorder
  • Night eating syndrome

Symptoms of Eating Disorder

  • Weight loss
  • Being shy about eating in front of others
  • Constipation
  • Increased appetite
  • Don't eat
  • Irregular periods