Pre-diabetes is a part of metabolic syndrome in which the sugar level starts increasing in the body. The cases of diabetes and pre-diabetes are increasing day by day in India. A bad lifestyle can be the main reason for diabetes. Pre-diabetes is associated with obesity, especially abdominal or visceral obesity and hypertension. Patients with prediabetes have high cholesterol due to which heart-related diseases increase. 


Also read: Diabetes: How to control blood sugar? 4 lifestyle changes

There is no obvious symptom of pre-diabetes. But increasing the amount of sugar is associated with many diseases. If you feel excessively thirsty and urinate more often during the night and it takes longer than usual for the wounds to heal. At the same time, some people have an excessive appetite.

People who are overweight are more likely to have pre-diabetes. Due to the increase in sugar, many changes have to be made in the lifestyle. You can also adopt Ayurvedic remedies to reduce sugar.

Ways to manage borderline diabetes

Turmeric and Amla

Make juice by mixing gooseberry powder and turmeric. Consuming this mixture helps prevent insulin resistance and regularly controls glucose in the body. Using this mixture also prevents cataracts and problems related to the immune system and other diseases.

Fenugreek seeds

The use of fenugreek seeds in people with mild type-2 diabetes helps in controlling sugar. Along with this, it reduces insulin resistance. Fenugreek seeds also help in weight loss.

Pay special attention to your diet

Avoid eating junk food, fried meal, refined sugar, soft drinks, milk and fermented things in the diet. Consume more of those fruits and vegetables in the diet whose glycemic index is low. Eat pulses and low-fat things. Avoid eating processed food and red meat. You can eat chicken and lean meat instead.


Do yoga and exercise to stay healthy. Doing physical exercise helps in burning calories. Apart from this, increased sugar can also be controlled.