Problem of muscle pain can occur in both children and adults. Muscle pain occurs without any serious health problems, which is nothing to worry about. However, sometimes it can appear as a symptom of an underlying disease. If there is muscle pain due to some serious reason, then you can also treat it with the help of home remedies.


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Here are some effective home remedies which help in reducing muscle pain:

Rock salt- It contains magnesium sulfate and is a natural muscle relaxant. Magnesium draws fluid out of the tissue causing muscle pain. Take a cup of rock salt and put it in warm water. Now keep the affected part immersed in this water till it cools down. Keep in mind that the water should not be too cold. You can do this thrice a week. Heart patients, high blood pressure or diabetes patients should talk to the doctor before trying this recipe.

Apple Cider Vinegar- Apple cider vinegar is also very effective in relieving muscle pain. Mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it or apply it directly on the affected area. Apple cider vinegar has alkaline properties and is anti-inflammatory, which reduces muscle pain and swelling.

Essential oil- Certain essential oils such as lemongrass, peppermint and marjoram can be used to relieve muscle spasms and pain. Take one teaspoon of any carrier oil (oil obtained from plants) like coconut oil, olive oil and add one or two drops of essential oil to it. Massage the affected area with it. Tart cherry juice contains antioxidants that help reduce muscle pain. According to the British Journal of Sports Medicine, sour cherry juice is effective in relieving muscle pain. You can drink it after a workout by adding it to a smoothie.

Cold compress- If there is a strain or pain in any muscle after a workout, then immediately take a bath with cold water or do cold water compress. Apply a cold compress for 20 to 30 minutes every 24 to 72 hours. This constricts the blood vessels and reduces the swelling by reducing the blood flow to the affected area.

Bandage up- Muscle pain often occurs in cold weather. To remove it, tie a bandage on the affected area. If you want, you can also tie a hot bandage.

Tips for faster recovery:

  • Drink plenty of water during workouts to avoid muscle pain and cramps.
  • Pay attention to your posture while exercising.
  • If muscle pain persists even after 4 to 5 days, consult a doctor.