UPSC Results 2021: The results for the much eagerly awaited and coveted Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) examination is out. In a first, this year, the top four all India toppers are girls. Candidates from all over the country sit for these exams but only a handful succeed to achieve their goals. 


There are many candidates who appear for more than one attempt to clear the exams. Followed by the written exams, is the interview for Personality Test and often this is termed as the most difficult. The results for UPSC 2021 was declared on Monday. Like every year, this year too has many happy faces.

Read | UPSC Civil Service final result 2021 declared at, get direct link here

However, to achieve this feat there is a lot of hardwork, perseverance and turmoil which goes behind the making of these toppers and achievers. Here we introduce you to one of the toppers of UPSC 2021, Yasharth Shekhar who secured All India Rank 12. spoke exclusively to Yasharth Shekhar. Yasharth Shekhar is elated by his performance after he ranked 12th. For Yasharth Shekhar, this journey has been too long, spanning over six years. He qualified the UPSC 2021 exams in his third attempt. 

How he prepared for UPSC exams?

Yasharth Shekhar says he solved a lot of question papers and test series during his preparations. To keep himself updated on the latest happenings in and around the world, he read newspapers regularly. He says he studied for 9 to 11 hours per day and his focus has been on writing essays.

Speaking on anxiety and peer pressure, Yasharth Shekhar says if anyone faces anxiety issues then that person should take a break to relax and think with a cool mind and then return to studies. He says stress is a part of life and should be taken in that way. Yasharth also adds that UPSC has made him a humble person. For relaxation, Yasharth says he would watch cricket or movies.

For future aspirants

If you are also preparing for the UPSC exams or will do so in future, remember there is not short cut to success. Study, but do not stress yourself too much mentally. Don't be hard on yourself and give some time to relax and destress. Only then can you study with a fresh mind.