Clearing the NEET exam is no joke, candidates dedicate years to preparing for the medical entrance exam. It even takes multiple attempts for some candidates to clear the exam. While most people give up after one or two attempts, while Jay Kishore Pradhan, an ex-banker cracked the exam at the age of 64-years-old in 2020. 


Pradhan's journey is a true testament to hard work and persistence. Pradhan is a retired deputy manager from the State Bank of India. He always dreamt of becoming a doctor. He could not pursue the dream of becoming one. 

After his retirement in 2016 after years of serving in the bank, Pradhan was presented with an unexpected opportunity. With the embers of the medical dream still glowing, Pradhan decided to take the plunge.

It was not easy for him to balance his studies and take care of familial responsibilities. However, determined to take another chance at becoming a doctor, Pradhan enrolled on online coaching classes and meticulously planned his study schedule. 

After going through a lot of hardships and difficulties, Pradhan cleared the exam in 2020 and secured a seat at the prestigious Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (VIMSAR).

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