Candidates are prepared to take part in the UPSC mains exam 2023, which will be held this month. Success stories of previous year's top performers serve as a source of guidance for candidates as they are preparing for the exam and completing that last-minute preparation. IAS Kasturi Panda, who scored an excellent 67 AIR on her second try, is one of these top candidates. Learn what her strategies were. 


Who is Kasturi Panda?

Kasturi Panda, an Odisha resident, placed 67th in the 2022 UPSC Civil Services Exam (UPSC CSE). She passed the Civil Services Exam with a total score of 1006 points, including 822 on the written test. Without any coaching, she was able to become an IAS on her second try.

Odisha-born IAS Kasturi Panda earned a B.Tech in computer science from NIT Rourkela. According to Kasturi, she was successful in her very first effort to get the interview. However, she was rejected during the interview stage. However, she continued to improve on her weaknesses after this and retook the UPSC exam, this time with success.

Kasturi Panda says that the smart study formula should be used to cover the complete UPSC syllabus. She suggests reading basic material to get ready for the UPSC. This is how she studied, too. She studied textbooks for grades 9 through 12. Kasturi Panda has completed a number of test questions by staying at home. She focused on her own practice test. Candidates for the UPSC are recommended to focus on their own mock tests.

According to Kasturi, she administered 50 subject-specific and 50 full-length tests prior to the preliminary in 2020. However, just roughly 30 full-length tests were administered during the 2022 attempt. Furthermore, she also revised prior mock exam. In both of his attempts, he made good progress toward the cutoff and scored well.

She used to aim to complete 90–94 questions for 100+ marks in two hours. There were initially incredibly few scores between 40 and 60. But with each version, this score became better.

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