UPSC success stories: Clearing the UPSC civil services exam is a dream for many. Lakh of aspirants apply UPSC CSE exam to become IAS, IPS and IFS. However, only around a thousand of them made it to the final list. Many aspirants rely on coaching for their UPSC preparation. However, some resort to self-study and are successful in clearing the high-profile exam. One such person is IAS Arunraj who cracked the UPSC exam with self-study that too in his first attempt.


Who is IAS Arunraj?

He is a Tamil Nadu cadre IAS officer of the 2015 batch. He cracked the UPSC CSE 2014 in his first attempt with All India Rank (AIR) 34. IAS Arunraj is currently posted as Executive Director, Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (ELCOT), Government of Tamil Nadu.  

He started his preparation for the UPSC exam in the fourth year of graduation. He is an IIT Kanpur alumnus. He wanted to devote all his time to his studies, so he did not start any job after completing his graduation.

IAS Arunraj belongs to Uttar Pradesh. He decided to do self-study instead of joining any coaching. He was more dependent on NCERT books for the UPSC exam. Apart from this, he also gave many mock interviews for UPSC interview. He cracked the exam at the age of 22. He chose Anthropology as his option subject.

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