UPSC success stories: We all know that clearing the UPSC exam is not an easy task. Aspirants have to study deeply as the civil services exam requires comprehensive knowledge. Lakhs of candidates apply for the high-profile exam but only a few get selected for IAS, IPS and IFS. Today, we will tell you about one such person who cleared UPSC CSE exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). She fought depression, bounced back and cleared the exam. Her name is IAS Alankrita Pandey.


Who is IAS Alankrita Pandey?

IAS Alankrita cracked UPSC 2015 exam and secured All India Rank (AIR) 85 in her very first attempt. She is a 2016 batch IAS officer. Initially, she was allotted West Bengal cadre,  but after her marriage with IAS Anshul Agarwal, she was given inter cadre transfer to Bihar.

IAS Alankrita hails from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Her UPSC journey was not easy. She decided to prepare for UPSC in 2014 but in mid of that year, she had to go through a personal crisis. Alankrita used to take anti-depressants, anger management sessions and counselling from friends and family. She was supposed to appear for prelims in 2014, but could not take it. 

However, she bounced back and decided to only focus on her career. She cracked UPSC civil services exam in her first attempt in 2015. She used to study 8 hours per day. Before UPSC, she worked in an IT company in Bengaluru. She completed her graduation in engineering from MNIIT-Allahabad.

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