Vodafone India, one of the country's largest telecom operators has launched a selfie contest on social media for its 8.5 million Mumbai users. The contest will run till November 16 and the winner will get a chance to win an iPhone 6s.


To participate, Vodafone customers in Mumbai are required to click a selfie and post it on their Facebook page with hashtag #VodafoneDiwali. 

Vodafone will announce the winners on its Facebook page, which the participants will need to like and follow. 

Apart from this, last week, the telecom company had announced a Diwali offer where its users can get 100MB free data by sending an SMS on Diwali day.

"The offer will be available for all Vodafone users on Wednesday, November 11, 2015, ie Diwali. You can avail of the 100 MB free data by typing ‘DIWALI’and sending it to 199", said Vodafone Managing Director and CEO Sunil Sood.